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Genocide is made up of the Latin word gens or gentis, meaning birth, stock, race, and the Latin word cidium (French: "cide"), meaning killing. Together it means literally "Race Killing."

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

The root of genocide is racism and hatred of other type of peoples.

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What role do religion and race play in genocide?

Does your religion teach you that people from other cultures are evil? That attitude is the root of genocide.

What are some words that contain the root cide?

infanticide, matricide, patricide, homicide, suicide, genocide, fratricide

What does the root word gen- mean?

In Latin the root gen- means (a) people, ethnic group, race, a breed. In English we have the words generation and genocide from this root. Note also ius gentium - the law of nations - international law.

What the root word gen mean?

In Latin the root gen- means (a) people, ethnic group, race, a breed. In English we have the words generation and genocide from this root. Note also ius gentium - the law of nations - international law.

What is a word with the latin root occido?

The word "occidental" has the Latin root occido, which means "to fall" or "to go down." "Occidental" is often used to refer to things from the Western world.

What latin root word means the killing of a race or people?

The Latin root word that means the killing of a race or people is "geno," derived from the Latin word "genus" meaning race or kind. An example word using this root is genocide, which refers to the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, ethnic, or national group.

What is the systematic killing of people?

Genocide Genocide

What is a word that has the root word cide?

One word with the root word "cide" is "homicide," which refers to the killing of one person by another.

What are facts about genocide?

Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group.The term "genocide" was coined by Raphael Lemkin (1900-1959), a Polish-Jewish scholar, 1944, firstly from Latin "gens, gentis" meaning "birth, race, stock, kind" or the Greek root "genos" with the same meaning; secondly from Latin -cidium (cutting, killing) via French -cide.Genocide does not necessarily have to mean killing or massacring by murder or military action. Genocide can come in various forms including: starvation, deplacement, serious bodily or mental harm, lowering quality of life to the point where the culture is unable to sustain itself and grow, imposing measures to prevent birth within the group or forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.Some examples of genocide include: transatlantic slave trade, genocide of the Native Americans, the Herero Genocide, the Armenian Genocide, the Great Famine/ Ukrainian Genocide, Rape of Nanking, the Holocaust, Mao Tse-Tung's Cultural Revolution, the Cambodian Genocide, Genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Rwandan Genocide, and the Genocide in Darfur.

In Afghanistan genocide when did it stop the genocide?

they stop the genocide at the year of 2002

What are 3 incidents of genocide?

The Holocaust, the Rwandan genocide and the Armenian genocide.

Who is the deliberate and systematic killing of an entire people?
