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A husband has the responsibility to love unconditionally his wife and children. He will provide for them, protect them and do all in his power to make the happy. He will honor his marriage vows, will not belittle his wife, but give her the honor and respect which is rightfully hers. She walks beside him, she is not beneath him but walks at his side, equal in all things. He will listen to her advice and allow her to have the freedom that is rightfully hers. She is not his slave, but an equal partner in all things. A husband will take his fair share of the home responsibilities. He has the final say in all important matters relating to the welfare of the family. He will respect the fact that the mother will have more to do with the upbringing of the children. He will bring his wife some small gift each month, and tell her that he loves her at least once a day.

To sit there and look pretty.

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they should be there for each other at first in sickness and in health ... and so on they should be trusting and willingly to be able to say when they are wrong they should be attracted to each other and never take for grandet each other

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Q: What is the responsibility of a husband?
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What are the responsibility of husband?

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If, in the eyes of the law, he is the father then yes he does.

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If the children live with you and your husband, you are one of two adults in the household and you have a responsibility toward and and all children living with you. The extent of authority, and thus responsibility, that you have over your husband's children from a previous marriage will be modified by the legal, custodial arrangements your husband and his former wife may have as part of their divorce decree. But as they are in your household you will have some responsibility toward them.

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You should consult with an attorney. Your ex-wife's new husband would need to agree to legally adopt the children and take on the responsibility of financial support.You should consult with an attorney. Your ex-wife's new husband would need to agree to legally adopt the children and take on the responsibility of financial support.You should consult with an attorney. Your ex-wife's new husband would need to agree to legally adopt the children and take on the responsibility of financial support.You should consult with an attorney. Your ex-wife's new husband would need to agree to legally adopt the children and take on the responsibility of financial support.

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In Michigan the estate has the responsibility to settle all debts, including medical bills, not the husband. Once that is done, then remainder can be distributed to the husband.

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No, child support is his responsibility only.

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You don't. That's not your responsibility. The infidelity is between the husband and wife.

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yes see my profile