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Laws are rules, plain and simple. They cannot be moral, amoral, or immoral, only those who draft them can be.

Morality is the ability to distinguish between right and wrong.

While the highest ideal is that morality is considered in the drafting of laws, it is not always so. Often, selfish desires are consider, and morality plays a small to nonexistent role.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Law means body of rules, functions of law various (explain schools ex. positive school, natural law school) from place to place and time to time but object of law is to ensure justice. now what is justice? justice means ideal relation between men, that means we think this is a right, this is a wrong but the law what says ensure legal justice only. there fore law does not recognizes moral justice because modern law recognizes just legality.

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14y ago

Morality is what a person believes which defines what is right or wrong. Law is a set of standards which a group or community has established in order to uphold the majority belief of what is right or wrong and allows punishment of those who do not comply.

The Law is a set of rules that the government has put in place for the protection of the people or the government. In America, they are stated to protect the people's rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They are in place to stop criminals, and to help people live life in a safe and happy world.

Hope that helps

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14y ago

"Legal law" are the rules that you must follow or be punished by a government.

"Moral law" are the rules that you must follow or be punished by your conscience or Creator.

Usually a person will follow one or the other, but not both. And you can tell a lot about a person by which he/she follows.

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13y ago

Law is not eternal. It under goes changers. Morality is eternal.

Law is a code that society is influenced to follow. Morality is a personal code that you follow. Also, see "Ethics"

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11y ago
  • ethics are like rules that build conduct while laws are like rules one must obey
  • laws are approved and enforced while ethics are are only conducted
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