Teasing,Rumours,Name, Physical violence, Chatting behind backs Etc. Etc.
Venus is a name for a Latin goddess whose purpose or reason was for beauty and love. Venus is a name that is equivalent to Aphrodite in Greek mythology.
There is not a given reason why Jose is a popular name with Christian males. Jose is a form of the name Joseph who was the father of Jesus so that may be a reason behind the popularity.
he's rich. love
antigrams are anagrams that have opposite meanings. for example santa=satan. or evangelist=evil's agent and violence=nice love
creamy,milky lush is yoghurt so it means beautiful and nice skin
Love Wrecked
in 8086, there is instruction queue of 6 byte. It is one of the reason behind giving name. 8086 was introducing pipeline architecture.
Because people wanted to show there love to George Washington.So the people named a state after him to show there love for him.
Someone is sick emergency to say i love you plan for dinner
That's a unique name for a frog! I wonder if there is any specific reason or significance behind choosing the name Andrew Jackson?
In love, save money, getting married, kids together