The ratio of the male to female layers in the united states is three to one. This is one of the reasons that more females are being urged to come and take their rightful positions.
This has shifted within the last decade, but there are now more practicing female veterinarians than there are practicing male veterinarians. Within the next 10-15 years, there will be more female veterinarians total than there are male veterinarians total.
Well, honey, the current ratio of household debt to disposable income in the United States is around 92%. In simpler terms, for every dollar of disposable income, the average American owes 92 cents. So, watch those credit cards and spend wisely, darling.
According to the 2020 United States Census data, the Asian population has the highest male-female ratio, with about 102 males for every 100 females.
Alaska has the highest male to female gender ratio of any of the states in the US. In 2000, the ratio was 107.0.
.usually begins before the age of 30. 0.2% of the United States population will develop this disorder. 1% of all women in the United States have symptoms of this disorder. The female-to-male ratio is estimated to range between 5:1 and 20:1.
According to Census 2000, 281.4 million people were counted in the United States - 143.4 million of whom were female and 138.1 million male. About a 1434/1381 ratio women/men.
Polymyositis in the United States is most common among African Americans. The disorder is most prevalent in women in a male/female ratio of 1:2. In the United States, its incidence is one per 100,000 persons per year
These are all the Baby Pokemon (as of November 2015), and the gender ratio for each:Azurill (Gender Ratio: Male 25% Female 75%)Bonsly (Gender Ratio: Male 50% Female 50%)Budew (Gender Ratio: Male 50% Female 50%)Chingling (Gender Ratio: Male 50% Female 50%)Cleffa (Gender Ratio: Male 25% Female 75%)Elekid (Gender Ratio: Male 75% Female 25%)Happiny (Gender Ratio: Male 0% Female 100%)Igglybuff (Gender Ratio: Male 25% Female 75%)Magby (Gender Ratio: Male 75% Female 25%)Mantyke (Gender Ratio: Male 50% Female 50%)Mime Jr. (Gender Ratio: Male 50% Female 50%)Munchlax (Gender Ratio: Male 87.5% Female 12.5%)Pichu (Gender Ratio: Male 50% Female 50%)Riolu (Gender Ratio: Male 87.5% Female 12.5%)Smoochum (Gender Ratio: Male 0% Female 100%)Togepi (Gender Ratio: Male 87.5% Female 12.5%)Tyrogue (Gender Ratio: Male 100% Female 0%)Wynaut (Gender Ratio: Male 50% Female 50%)
The national inmate to correctional officer ratio in the United States is approximately 4.5 to 1. This ratio can vary depending on the type of facility and jurisdiction.
The ratio of male therapists to female therapists varies by country, but generally there are more female therapists than male therapists. In the United States, for example, about 67% of therapists are female and 33% are male.
United States. It's almost 10 to 1 ratio.
The area ratio between United States and Romania is 40,4.