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Can vary depending upon the offense, and from state-to-state.

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Q: What is the punishment of class a misdeameanor?
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Can a misdeameanor be erased from a nursing certificate?

Correction,can a wrongful misdeameanor be erased from a nursing certificate/ license

In NY What is the punishment for not appearing in court for probation violation for a misdeameanor?

For not responding to a charge of Violation of Probation (VOP) you could be remanded to jail to serve out the remainder of the sentence behind bars.

What is the punishment for a class b misdeameanor in Texas?

Class A Misdemeanor Range of Punishment - Texas Penal Code § 12.21. CLASS A MISDEMEANOR. An individual adjudged guilty of a Class A misdemeanor shall be punished by: (1) a fine not to exceed $4,000; (2) confinement in jail for a term not to exceed one year; or (3) both such fine and confinement.

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What is a class B misdeameanor?

In Illinois it is a crime with a possible penalty of up to 6 months in jail and a fine of up to $1500. For further details see the related link below.

Can a misdeameanor keep you from joining the lapd?

It depends on the misdemeanor.

In the middle ages does social class change the punishment of a crime?

Yes it does. If you were a Lord or the lord's officials you were most likely exempted from punishment. But say you were of the poorest class your punishment would be extremely worse just because you were poor

Where in the Geneva convention does it say that teachers can not hold the whole class?

I think you are refferring to the collective punishment in the geneva convention. But the question here is: is keeping the class longer a punishment? ...

What is the punishment for a Class B misdemeanor of evading arrest in Texas? has the answer

What was Anne frank forced to do in mr keptors class?

Anne Frank was forced to sit at the front of the class as a punishment in Mr. Keesing's class because she talked too much.

What is the punishment for a class a?

That depends on the jurisdiction. You need to say where you're talking about.

Can you be pardoned for a misdemeanor in Indiana?

Only the Governor does that. For a misdeameanor, a judge has the power to throw it out.