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The value of the property would control what charges are filed and it could be filed as a felony or misdemeanor depending on the value of the property.

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Q: What is the punishment for theft of property in ND?
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What is a criminal law that defines the crime provides for it's punishment?

One example is theft, which is defined as the unlawful taking of someone else's property with the intent to permanently deprive them of it. The punishment for theft can vary depending on the value of the stolen property and other circumstances, but it typically involves fines, probation, or imprisonment.

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In the Philippines, theft is punishable by imprisonment and a fine. The penalty imposed depends on the value of the property stolen, with higher penalties for theft of higher value. Repeat offenders may face harsher punishments.

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Is there a punishment for selling found property?

Yes. Misappropriation of found property, without making reasonable attempts to find the owner, is usually classified as "Theft of Lost or Mislaid Property". Such theft carries different penalties, depending on the value of the property and the laws in your state. If the value is small, some states will only impose a fine. If the value is larger, it may be prosecuted as a misdemeanor or a state felony.

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The duration of Property Is No Longer a Theft is 2.1 hours.

When was Property Is No Longer a Theft created?

Property Is No Longer a Theft was created on 1973-10-03.

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There are rumors of extremely harsh punishment in Iran for theft. However, the current punishment for shoplifting in Iran is jail.

How much is grand theft in Texas?

Texas does not have a grand theft charge. It is simply theft. The punishment depends on the dollar amount stolen.