Homicide is the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another. Multiple is more than one.
The deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another; murder.
The punishment for culpable homicide in South African law is extremely varied. It depends greatly on how the crime was committed. The punishment can range from a fine to years in prison.
Someone who is suspected to have taken part in the deliberate murder of another person.
Capital punishment is legal in Japan. The only crimes for which capital punishment is statutory are homicide and treason.
No, there is no clear substantiated evidence that the use of capital punishment is a deterrant to homicide.
Lynching is a Felony. Chargeable as Murder - Homicide - or Manslaughter.
1 to 20 years, depending on the facts.
He was charged with DWI and vehicle homicide and his license was provoked till he turns 21
A very small percent of people are killed by justified homicide with guns. Most deaths by firearms are deliberate or inadvertent.
The Illinois criminal defense lawyers at our firm, Zuelke & Byrd, L.L.C., have defended people against murder and reckless homicide charges. The stakes in such cases are high and the punishment severe. A conviction for a charge of first degree murder will lead to a sentence of many years in prison, or even life without parole or the death penalty. A conviction for attempted murder, second degree murder (manslaughter), or reckless homicide or involuntary manslaughter can also result in a lengthy prison sentence. It is critical to have a skilled attorney who has experience defending people against homicide charges. http://www.auroracriminallawyer.com/PracticeAreas/Murder-Reckless-Homicide.asp
The comparative degree of "deliberate" is "more deliberate."