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Q: What is the punishment for being arrested for a felony while on probation?
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What is the difference between felony probation being terminated and expired?

If you have two felony cases that are being ran concurrent,and have had a bench warrant issued for violation of probation,yet probation end date has past after warrant was issued yet you have not turned yourself in or been arrested,why would they close the non controlling case and expire your probation,yet keep the controlling case that had a lower conviction charge and showing less time served on open? It was basically a crime bail crime..OR'd on the first two felony charges then arrested again given the same two felony charges in another county.

What is the punishment for motion to revoke probation after being on probation for one year for unlawful possession of fire arm which is a 3 rd degree felony?

There is no set punishment. There are many possibilities. It is up to the Judge. The judge can order reinstatement of probation or revoke probation and impose a sentence in prison.

Is being arrested for a felony pled nolo paid restitution and probation but no jail sentence. the same as convicted of a felony When jobs ask have you been convicted of a felony do I check Yes?

Yes, you have been convicted. Your plea of Nolo Contendre meant that you acknowledged that the state had enough evidence to convict you. PROBATION IS A SENTENCE! Your probation WAS a sentence for the guilty plea. A record of both your arrest and the court disposition does exist.

Can they post bail with 3rd degree felony charge He had received probation but had it revoked on recent family disturbance?

Going strictly on the information supplied - - I'm thinking not. Reason being is that when he was arrested his probation was, in all likliehood, automatically revoked. You can't get bailed out from a revocation of probation.

Is being arrested for the first time a felon?

It depends on if you were arrested for a felony or not.

Will your probation be revoked for being arrested?

In all likliehood, yes.

Is being charged with a felony is tha same is being convicted even tho i got off on probation?

Yes, you were convicted. Probation IS a sentence. Probation is in lieu of (instead of) incarceration.

What may the punishment be on a felony evading arrest in Texas?

If you are evading arrest for a felony offense, when you are arrested your charge will be for whatever the original offense was.On the other hand, if you were in custody and then fled, you would be charged with the original crime PLUS the offense of being an escapee.

What is the punishment for peti theft in Ohio?

what is the punishment of shoplifting while being on probation in the state of Ohio. thats the translation not the answer u twit

Will your felony probation be revoked if being charged with terroristic threatening assault and wanton endangerment?

It needs to be.

What happens after being charged with a felony?

Whatever the judge decided as punishment and jail time.

What sentence did Mel Gibson receive after being arrested on 7 28 06?

3 years probation