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how much time do you get for aggavated assault charges in Texas.

Only a lawyer can give you a good estimate. It depends on so many things, like whether you have a criminal record, if you've been charged with that crime before, if you have history of other violent crime, and especially the exact circumstance of the assault, whether it was provoked, whether you started it, how injured the person was from the assault, whether you persisted the assault after the person was knocked out/stunned, and so on. It could be anywhere from a few months to many years.

If I remember correctly Texas has a three strikes law, so if you get arrested for the same crime three times, on the third strike you get life (25 years) in prison.

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13y ago

Assault is a serious crime. Essentially, assault occurs when someone inflicts violence on someone else. There are couple forms of assault. The two most common types are battery and aggravated assault. Of the two, aggravated assault is considered a much more serious offense. Aggravated assault occurs when a serious act of violence occurs, usually involving a deadly weapon.

Aggravated assault is classified as the crime depending on a few factors. A person can be charged with aggravated assault when they attempt to intentionally cause serious bodily harm during any altercation, attempt to cause serious bodily harm with a deadly weapon, attempts to cause serious bodily harm to a police officer or public official, or attempt to participate in sexual activity with a person who is under the age of fourteen. Aggravated assault can also be charged if someone uses a motor vehicle to cause harm.

The punishment for aggravated assault in the United States varies according to a number of factors. Often times, the punishment is determined based upon the severity of injuries suffered by the victim. If a weapon is used, the punishment is usually going to be much more severe than if a weapon was not used. The nature of the victim will also be taken in to consideration. For example, aggravated assault against a child is likely carry a much stiffer punishment than if the victim was an adult male. The punishment is left up to the discretion of the judge. Punishment for aggravated assault can include prison time, fines, probation, electronic monitoring, loss of the right to carry a weapon, financial damages to the victim, and required counseling such as anger management.

Aggravated assault can be classified as a misdemeanor or a felony. A misdemeanor may result in a penalty like probation or counseling. A felony conviction is likely to carry jail time. Different states will carry different penalties. A judge will also want to look at prior criminal history before issuing a sentence. Every state will list the penalties for aggravated assault online. In many states, the penalty for a felony conviction of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon can be up to twenty years in prison. That is in addition to fines and other penalties. Clearly, aggravated assault is serious offense than carries significant consequences.

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13y ago

Assault and battery is generally defined as the violation of an individual's security by another individual. It is considered a criminal offense, but is mainly dealt with in civil court. Thus, the most common punishment is in the form of damages that the wrongdoer must pay to the victim.

There are three different kinds of damages that may be awarded: compensatory, nominative or punitive. Compensatory damages are the most common types of damages. These refer to actual costs the wrongdoer must pay for results of the offense, such as money for hospital bills or pain and suffering. Nominal damages may also be charged on behalf of the victim, even if he or she suffered little or no damage. However, in some cases, the court may award punitive damages in addition to compensatory or nominal. Punitive damages are a fine levied simply for attempting the act itself. They are meant solely to punish, rather than compensate the victim, and to deter others from committing the crime in the future.

If the case goes to criminal court, a person found guilty of assault and battery may be subject to a fine, jail time, or both. In many cases, the crime is a misdemeanor, and will be punished at a lower level in accordance with this classification. However, if committed with a deadly weapon, the charge may be increased to aggravated assault and battery. Aggravated assault and battery may also result from the intent to do serious harm or kill. In most states, this is considered a felony and may be subject to the sentencing guidelines of a felony.

The punishment for assault and battery can vary according to many factors, including by state, degree of the crime, and past criminal history. In addition, juveniles may not receive special treatment. In many states, juveniles accused of assault and battery, especially if aggravated, may be tried as adults.

It is highly advisable for an individual accused of assault and battery to employ a lawyer with experience in defending against the charge. Even if entering a guilty plea, using a lawyer to minimize punishment can be extremely useful.

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14y ago

Charges of assault, unless committed while armed, or that cause grievous personal injury, are usually prosecuted as misdemeanors (i.e.: not more than one year in jail).

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10y ago

It actually depands on te Law system in your country

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