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Having more than one spouse is called polygamy. More specifically, having more than one wife is polygyny and more than one husband is polyandry.

Polygamy is illegal in the United States, Canada, Australia, and Europe but is allowed in some African, Middle Eastern, and Asian countries. Despite the fact that it is illegal, many still choose to practice it in secret. Most likely there are at least a handful of polygamists in every state of the US.

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Q: What is the practice of having more than one spouse at a time called?
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Polygamists practice polygamy which is the practice of having more than one spouse simultaneously.

What is the practice of polygamy?

Polygamy is having more than one spouse. Usually, it's referring to a man with multiple wives.

What is polygamy?

Monogamy is being faithful to one person sexually. Monogamy is uncommon in the animal world, except in animals (like humans) that require both parents help in order to successfully raise their young.

What is the word for having two wives or husbands at once?

The practice is called bigamy.It is a specific case of polygamy, which means having more than one spouse at the same time (an illegal practice in the US). The gender specific terms are polygyny for having more than one wife, and polyandry for having more than one husband.Some societies and religions allow men to have several wives, and historically some societies permitted multiple husbands.

What is a monogamous family?

Monogamy is the practice of being married to only one person at any one time. Polygamy is the practice of having more than one spouse--usually, though not exclusively this involves men having more than one wife at a time. Therefore, a monogamous family is one in which the husband and wife are in a monogamous relationship. In other words, they are married to one another exclusively.

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What is the meaning of polygamous?

Polygamous is a term that applies to marriages where an individual has more than one spouse, is married to more than one person. A person married to two or more people is polygamous, is said to be committing polygamy, which is unlawful in the U.S. a polygamous relationship is one that involves more than two people, such as with the mormons' former tradition where the man marries 2+ wives.

Why do extramarital affairs end?

Because it will not be helpful for the couples who's having a problem. And if the spouse didn't stop, he will loose a lot more that he expected. And the worst case scenario the spouse who's having an affair will become closer to the other person.

How do you spell baligamy?

The word for having more than one spouse is spelled "polygamy".The word for having two spouses (likely a crime) is spelled "bigamy".

What is it called having more than one wife?

hm....i think its wives...but its ALSO CALLED CHEATING! polygamy Generally cheating defined as engaging in a relationship with another person without the consent of the original partner. By this the status of polygamy as cheating would depend on the original partner not knowing about it or knowing about it and not acquiescing to it. In countries where polygamy is legal, it is considered fairly normal. Even then though, if the first spouse doesn't approve it could be argued that it is still cheating even if it is legal. Makes the situation pretty sad where the local culture or religion doesn't give the woman any say in such matters.

The practice of having more than one marriage partner but not at the same time?

Serial monogamy.