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There are specific Mississippi Child Support Guidelines, designed to be in the best interests of the child, that the courts use to determine the correct amount of child support. These will be followed, unless both parents agree to an amount other than that calculated by the guidelines, or the courts decide the guidelines are unjust. The guidelines are based on the following percentages of the net income of the parent responsible for support:

  • 1 child 14%
  • 2 children 20%
  • 3 children 22%
  • 4 children 24%
  • 5 or more children 26%
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depends on the state and other factors

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Q: What is the percentage you should receive for child support for two children in MS?
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Do you take your children to court with you for child support case?

No, you should not take children to a child support court hearing. This is for the parents to deal with and the children should not even know it is happening.

How can you find out how much you should get in child support?

Child support is determined by the number of children you have in your care and the financial situation of the parent that is paying child support. Since every person's financial situation is different the amount people have to pay for child support varies from case to case. There is no set amount. The only way you can find out how much you should receive is to go to court to sue your children's' other parent for child support. The court will them determine how much should be paid every month.

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Both parents should pay child support. They both take care of their children.

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If your children were close with their father you should attend the funeral to be there to support your children.

If you are paying child support in NJ why is ny collecting support for same children and is it legal for them to do so?

The two states together should not be collecting more than the amount due, plus an additional percentage (20-25%) for any arrearage.

What happens to child support when the children are in dss custody?

You should contact your attorney. It is likely that you should be paying the support to DSS.

My children's father doesn't want to pay child support or be in their lives. I am remarried. Can I request he give up parental rights and still receive back child support he owes?

Yes. You should make certain the arrears have been verified by the court. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues to help you negotiate with your children's father to give up his parental rights.

Should immuno-suppressed children receive live vaccinations?

No they should not. They should receive the killed virus shot, not the nasal spay. Of course always check with your doctor first!