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This question implicates Assault without Great Bodily Harm (GBI). This is a felony in all U.S. States and carries a penalty of two-to-five years in State Prison. For repeat offenders, the penalty is 10 to Life (depending on offenders record and circumstances). See "three strikes you're out" laws.

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Casimir Keebler

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3y ago
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14y ago

Any assault on the body of a victim, by whatever means, which results in serious injury.

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Q: What is the penalty for serious physical injuries?
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With a serious injury the best place to go would be an emergency room. Emergency rooms have the best treatment options available for serious injuries.

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Major injuries are serious injuries such as a broken bone or a serious head injury. Minor injuries are one that are not big in nature, such as a bruise or small cut.

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Depending on the way the wording of the law in your state and the penalty that is attached to it, it could be. It is more serious than "simple assault" or "disorderly conduct."

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