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Can you talk to a lawyer about this?

I would say just to be very very apologetic and come clean with the cops, but if they have

wasted a lot of effort and taxpayer money and perhaps a guilty party has gotten away because of you - well, they have legal aid attorneys and if there is a law school in your area they sometimes can give you some helpful advice in clinics open to the public at very reduced or no charge.

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Q: What is the penalty for lying to the police when you made your statement you were nerves and just made up a lie you now want to tell the police the truth what will you get charged with?
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What is the penalty for making a false statement to police in ft Myers florida?

The penalty would vary with the crime, and the crime is determined by the nature of the statement. For instance; Giving a false name or making a false police report are usually misdemeanors. On the other hand, if your statement was made to thwart a police investigation or an arrest, or you were falsely giving someone an alibi, it could amount to an Obstruction of Justice and the penalty could be more severe.

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Yes. When you give a statement to the police, you make that statement under penalty of perjury. If you lie, you can go to prison for perjury.

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It depends on the circumstances - if you told him you lived on "Smith Street" and you actually live on "Jones Street" probably not much, if anything. However, if the misinformation had to do with a criminal offense investigation you could be charged with Obstruction of Justice.

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The penalty in the state of Florida for filing a false police report is charged with a misdemeanor and faces a penalty of a fine and or jail time depending on their past criminal history.

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It depends, but the fullest extent you could be charged with Battery to a Police Officer which is a Class 2 Felony in Illinois with a penalty of 3-7 years and/or $25k fine.

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Assault of a police officer.

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Assault on a Police Officer is a felony crime in most jurisdictions I am aware of. The maximum penalty that can be imposed is set by your particular state's legislature.

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Not necessarily against the law but - If it was discovered you'd been paid for your testimony, the opposing legal team could argue your statement was biased, and thus inadmissible as evidence ! Theoretically, you could be charged with wasting police time.

What is the penalty for lying on police report?

Depending on what you lied about the penalties vary. You could be fined $5,000 for submitting a false stolen car report. Or, you could be charged as an accessory for helping to cover up a crime.

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