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According to Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution, the only punishments associated with conviction in a Senate impeachment trial is removal from public office, and disqualification from holding office in the future. There are no legal penalties associated with the process; impeachment is a political remedy.

Article I, Section 3

"[j]udgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States."


An impeachment is not a finding of guilt. Following impeachment by the House, there is a trial in the Senate. If the defendant is convicted, s/he is removed from office.

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13y ago

The punishment for a guilty verdict in an impeachment trial is removal from office. The impeached official is also prohibited from serving in public office in the future, although a few people have managed to get around this provision. There are no other consequences because impeachment is a political, not legal, process.

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12y ago

The only effect of conviction in an impeachment trial is to remove the official from his office. Any criminal charges would then be dealt with separately in the criminal courts, which might on conviction impose criminal penalties, but that is another matter.

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He loses his position and his credibility, making it very hard for him to acquire a similar position.

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13y ago

The maximum penalty is removal from office. But the Senate may impose a lesser penalty of censure or reprimand.

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they are removed from office

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What is impeachment cases? - Trying a government official for misconduct in office.

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Perjury. His impeachment did not result in conviction. However, he was disbarred for the perjury.

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The United States Senate sits as the jury on impeachment cases. Impeachment proceedings are started by the House of Representatives. After hearing the charges, the Senate usually deliberates in private. Conviction requires a two-thirds majority.

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Except in impeachment cases, a trial by jury is a right guaranteed by the Constitution. It is not guaranteed in impeachment cases because life or liberty is not at stake.

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The Senator is the judge for every impeachment cases.

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The US Senate has the sole power to try impeachment cases for federal officials.

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trysinie, and national humilation.

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Impeachment trials are held in Congress and 2/3 of the senators voting must favor in conviction.