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The principle that the government may take responsibility of children, who's parents neglect them (or are not responsible for/to them).

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Q: What is the parens partraie?
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Latin translation for grandpa?

Granddad or Grandpa or Grandfather is parens pater if he is on the fathers side and parens matris if he is on the moms side.

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see the related link

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Joseph Germanotta and Cythia Germanotta

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acceptance of the concept of "parens patriae"

What has the author Henri Parens written?

Henri Parens has written: 'Aggression in our children' -- subject(s): Aggression, Aggressiveness (Psychology) in children, Child rearing, In infancy & childhood, Parent and child, Parent-Child Relations

What has the author Valigny written?

Valigny has written: 'Les parens du jour'

DOES Alejandra Guzman have a brother or sister?

alejandra guzman does have parens brothers and sisters

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they lived with there parens for a while.. please on woozworld im mizmyaswet

Who were may wright sewall parens?

Philander W. Wright (father) Mary W Wright (mother).