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A "show cause order" has been filed with WHO? If filed with the Clerk of Court, the order must then be served on the opposing party so that they are notified of what it is that they must comply with. It will be assumed that the order will include a 'drop dead' date by which the opposition must comply.

Then - at sometime on, or after that date, a hearing must be scheduled and added to the court docket so that the action may appear in front of a judge for a hearing.

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Q: What is the next step after a motion to reinstate is granted in circuit court and the show cause and orders have been filed?
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Can a custodial parent reinstate child support after the custodial parent canceled it in Illinois?

What state created the support orders & how did the custodial parent cancel the orders & why would the same parent want to reinstate them after canceling them? Based off the way you asked this I'm a bit confused, but I'll assume you meant that the noncustodial parent canceled the orders in IL. In that case, there would've had to have been a reason for IL to cancel the orders, otherwise the state that issued the orders has power over the orders & IL would have to enforce them due to support orders reaching over state lines.

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File a motion to enforce the court orders.

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Can a motion for temporary orders for a parenting plan replace the response to divorce papers?

No. You must respond to the divorce complaint. A motion is a formal request made to a judge for an order or judgment. A motion for temporary orders for a parenting plan can be filed in a divorce case but it doesn't replace the answer to the divorce complaint.No. You must respond to the divorce complaint. A motion is a formal request made to a judge for an order or judgment. A motion for temporary orders for a parenting plan can be filed in a divorce case but it doesn't replace the answer to the divorce complaint.No. You must respond to the divorce complaint. A motion is a formal request made to a judge for an order or judgment. A motion for temporary orders for a parenting plan can be filed in a divorce case but it doesn't replace the answer to the divorce complaint.No. You must respond to the divorce complaint. A motion is a formal request made to a judge for an order or judgment. A motion for temporary orders for a parenting plan can be filed in a divorce case but it doesn't replace the answer to the divorce complaint.

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Stephen Breyer served as a judge on the US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit from 1980-1994. He is currently responsible for handling emergency orders for the First Circuit.

Is there a motion you can file to gain custody immediately?

If no custody orders exist, a motion for temporary custody can be made while in possession of the child. An emergency motion for custody can be filed with evidence of immediate danger to the child.

In the state of Georgia what rights do a non-custodial have to their children?

Single fathers have none until granted them by the courts. Those with court orders are limited by the orders, though they are frequently lacking in substance. See related links below.

What is the name for a court order?

A Subpoena .AnswerCourts issue a variety of orders. They issue injunctions, subpoenas, judgments, etc. Often, Orders are called just that, Order. For example, "Order on Defendant's Motion to Dismiss," "Final Order" or "Scheduling Order" are common orders.

Can your parents get a restraining order on the father of your child?

Whether or not a mother is granted a restraining order is up to the judge who hears the testimony about the situation that led to the mother requesting the restraining order. If the situation is serious enough the restraining order may be granted and the visitation and custody orders can be modified. You need to visit the court and speak with an advocate or consult with a private attorney.Whether or not a mother is granted a restraining order is up to the judge who hears the testimony about the situation that led to the mother requesting the restraining order. If the situation is serious enough the restraining order may be granted and the visitation and custody orders can be modified. You need to visit the court and speak with an advocate or consult with a private attorney.Whether or not a mother is granted a restraining order is up to the judge who hears the testimony about the situation that led to the mother requesting the restraining order. If the situation is serious enough the restraining order may be granted and the visitation and custody orders can be modified. You need to visit the court and speak with an advocate or consult with a private attorney.Whether or not a mother is granted a restraining order is up to the judge who hears the testimony about the situation that led to the mother requesting the restraining order. If the situation is serious enough the restraining order may be granted and the visitation and custody orders can be modified. You need to visit the court and speak with an advocate or consult with a private attorney.

If a final judgment is made and the defendant does not comply with the orders of that judgment why can you not go directly to a motion for contempt?

Depending on the type of judgement, a motion for contempt or a garnishment/lien would be the appropriate avenue. If you are unable to file a motion for contempt, it is likely that the required time to comply has not yet passed.

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If a divorce case is appealed to the State Appellate Court by the other party do you have to maintain a lawyer?

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