NO, Chevy car and truck rims will not interchange.
It depends on a lot of things. I just sold my old Chevy truck and got a great price for it. I shopped around.
the big Chevy truck rod is bigger than a passenger car rod.
No it will not, There is not enough room for it to fit. A car transmission is alot smaller then a truck transmission.
Depending on the condition, good is anywhere between 200.000 AND 300.000. XLNT, you can practically name your own price as the 1953 Chevy corvette is a very rare car.
what model - car truck?
Truck or car truck 210 hp
In 1972, the average price for a new car was approximately 3,520 dollars. In 2014, the average price is an estimated 30,748.
No, car and truck wheels are different in size. Car and truck wheels will not interchange.
NO. Car and truck wheel patterns are DIFFERENT
In 1972, I bought a 1972 Volkswagen beetle for $1,900.