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The most commonly known illegal drug in the United Kingdom is listed from cannabis, ecstacy, ampthetamines and LSD. The most commonly known drug is cannabis, you don't hear much about this drug but it has been around along time and it is one of the most commonly used drug illegal drug. large surveys over the last few years have found between 13 and 18% of 16-19 year olds and 28% of 20-24 years old have tried this drug at least once in there life.

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According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug by teens.

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Q: What is the most common drug use among teens?
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What is the most common drug used by adolescents?

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According to surveys, marijuana is the most commonly used drug by teens.

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Is marijuana the most common drug in the world?

No, it might be the most common illegal drug, but caffeine is the most common drug. Yes, caffeine is a drug.

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Most teens become more vulnerable to drugs when they get into arguments with family member, arguments or break ups with their girlfriend and or boyfriends and when they attend teenage parties with other people who do drugs. there are many other times where they become vulnerable but these are the most common reasons for drug abuse in teens.

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In Pakistan , the most common drug is dope .