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In Canada, the fine for buying booze for someone under age first-time offence is $200,000.00 (no, that's not a mistake-two hundred thousand dollars!!!!) and one year in jail. The fine for drinking underage however, is only $100.00. Nice.

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9y ago

In Canada it is a crime to provide or serve alcohol to a minor. The minimum fines are $500 and 6 months in jail, as well as any damages that may occur.

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Q: What is the minimum jail time for giving alcohol to a minor in Canada?
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What happens if you are charge as a minor giving alcohol to a minor?

It depends on how deep the background check goes. If you have been charged with a misdemeanor for possession of alcohol it will likely disappear off of your record in 3 years so it all depends.

Is the penalty for giving alcohol to a minor under the age of 18 any different than giving alcohol to someone over 18?

if theyre not 21 whats the diff?

Can parents get in trouble for giving alcohol to their own child?

Yes. It would be child endangerment, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, serving alcohol to a minor and any number of charges, depending on the state, province or country in question.

What if you buy a minor alcohol?

Then the minor will have alcohol.

What is the minimum legal age to purchase a house in Canada?

The minimum legal age to purchase a house in Canada is 18. If a person is under the age of 18, they are unable to enter into a contract since they are still considered a minor.

Are minor children allowed in FLORIDA BARS?

If a bar serves food as well as alcohol, a minor may be in the bar with a parent or guardian. If it is just a bar that does not serve anything other than alcohol, they cannot be in there at all.

Could a minor in canada shoot alone with a minor PAL?

No, a minor can not shoot guns with just another minor in Canada. An adult must be present.

Is it true that teens can drink under adult supervision?

The laws vary from place to place. In a few states, children are allowed to have alcohol under the supervision of their parents, not any other adult. There are still age limits in effect and the exceptions are very limited. Any adults giving alcohol to a minor can go to jail and or have a fine. And the 'adult' supervision can get arrested as well - and charged with various things including 'contributing to the delinquency of a minor,' 'providing alcohol to a minor,' etc.

Can Nevada employer pay minor less than minimum wage?

No, minimum is minimum no matter what age.

What happens when adults buy alcohol for underage kids?

Not mentioning the morality issue it is illegal in all states to buy alcohol for a minor. If caught it can bring a litany of charges including providing alcohol to minor, endangering the welfare of a minor, etc.

Who considered a minor under the Texas alcohol beverage code?

For purposes of the Texas Alcohol and Beverage code, anyone under 21 is a minor.