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Q: What is the meaning of expert judge?
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What is the meaning of converisseur in English?

The word converissur does not exist. The meaning of a connoisseur is one who is an expert in their field and therefore very qualified to critique or judge within their field.

What is a Synonym for connoisseur?

Expert, judge, specialist

Who decides whether someone is an expert witness?

In legal proceedings, a judge ultimately decides whether someone qualifies as an expert witness. The judge evaluates the witness's credentials, experience, and relevance to the case before allowing them to testify as an expert.

How do you spell expert in french?

expert=expert, specialist, appraiser, assessor, authority, adeptspécialiste=specialist, expert, observerconnaisseur=connoisseur, expert, judge, tastersavant=scientist, scholar, savant, expert, highbrow, past master

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Is inept another word for expert?

No. Inept (meaning 'not good at') is the opposite of adept (meaning 'good at'). Other words for expert would be professional, adroit, masterful.

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Strapert is combination of two word Strategic Expert. Stra from STRAtegic and Pert from ExPERT.

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The word "fundi" refers to an expert or guru in a certain subject. It is derived from the Nguni word "umfundisi" meaning a "teacher" - also used for someone of high rank, for example, a priest or judge.

French term meaning in touch or expert?

'in touch' as in keep in touch is 'on reste en contact' 'expert' is 'expert' itself though pronounce differently

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Oarsman- a man expert in rowing.

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