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Q: What is the maximum amount of time that a minor has to disaffirm a contract?
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Can a minor disaffirm the lease of a apartment even if the apartment is not necseeary?

A minor cannot sign a binding contract for lease of a premises.

May a minor disaffirm part of a contract and affirm other parts?

Likely yes. Under general contract law principles, it is a valid contract and fully enforceable by the minor if the minor does not choose to void it. Which is why many businesses will not enter into contracts with a minor.

Can an 18 yr old enter into a legally binding contract in the state of Alabama?

The contract can be legally binding at the discretion of the 18 year old. The minor can 'disaffirm" the contract, or say there is no contract, when he/she reaches the legal age of majority in AL which is 19.

Can a minor who engages in a business or trade disaffirm agreements involving his or her business?


Why should you avoid kid-bids in on-line auctions?

Kid-bids online, just as in the natural world, can be recinded. A minor, under the age of 18, may disaffirm a contract entered into with someone at the age of majority. In other words, a child can void a contract or bid because the child is under the age of 18. A minor can enter into any contract that is not prohibited by law. An adult who enters into a contract with a minor cannot recind a contract made with a minor. Illegal contracts are considered void.

Child turns into adult is a contract null void?

Traditionally, a minor or an infant is anyone under the age of 21. This has been changed by statutes in almost every state, and a minor is now anyone under the age of 18. The term infant and minor are used interchangeably in most situations. A minor can only void a contract while they are still under the age of maturity (again, usually 18), or for a reasonable time after they have reached that age. If a person does nothing to disaffirm the contract after they stop being a minor, the law can find that they will no longer be able to void the contract

Can you sign a legal contract at the age of 17 nc?

In North Carolina, a person must be at least 18 years old to sign a legal contract, with some exceptions for emancipated minors or contracts for necessaries. A minor who signs a contract before turning 18 may have the option to disaffirm or void the contract upon reaching the age of majority.

In Georgia can a minor void a contract or is it voidable?

In Georgia, a minor cannot sign a contract. If a minor does sign a contract, it is voidable because it is illegal.

What happens when a minor falsely obtains a credit card?

It depends... no bank will knowingly extend a minor credit (with the possible exception of paying a small bad check), but if for some reason they did and the minor kept their head down and paid his/her bills on time, very little would happen. If the minor chooses to disaffirm (make void) the contract obligating him/her to repay the debt (and the bank had information that the minor wasn't of age- knowingly or not) the bank would be at a loss. But if the minor used false or misleading documents/information then (in most states) the minor would be bound by the contract (forced to repay the loan like the rest of us) and/or be guilty of fraud. If that minor is able to weasel out of repaying the loan, then the bank has the threat of conviction to... convince the minor to repay the loan.

Can a minor put a house under a contract?

No. A minor cannot sign a binding contract.No. A minor cannot sign a binding contract.No. A minor cannot sign a binding contract.No. A minor cannot sign a binding contract.

Does a minor have the absolute right to void a contract?

A minor does not have the absolute right to void a contract. As a general rule, contracts made by minors are voidable by the minor at any time up until the minor affirms the contract after reaching majority or until a reasonable times after reaching majority. There are cases where a minor can be held liable for his/her actions if at the time the contract was entered they acted in a responsible and adult-like that proves they were of a capacity to understand the contract. However, the burdon to prove that the minor was actually of capacity falls on the other parties in the contract.

If a minor signed acontract he parents are responsible?

If a minor signs a contract under the legal age of majority (usually 18), the contract is typically not enforceable. In most cases, the parents would not be responsible for the contract unless they co-signed or guaranteed it. The minor may have the option to void the contract.