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Cost of implementing it

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Q: What is the main reason that insurance companies are hesitant to push for a quick release of the new ICD-10 coding classification system?
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Do life insurance companies report HIV status to department of public health?

No, life insurance companies do not report HIV status findings to public health departments but will report their findings to whom you authorized them to when you signed the medical information release form.

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Cowboy in Africa - 1967 The Hesitant Hero 1-15 was released on: USA: 18 December 1967

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No, it's so the coyote can stop attacking domestic animaks and people.

Can insurance company's get information about potential clients from other insurance company's?

Most insurance companies report to the same service regarding accidents, claims, violations, etc. to rate accurately and prevent fraud. If they don't participate in that reporting service, the insurance company can not release information about your policy to anyone other than you without your permission.

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How long after an injury does an insurance company have to pay for lost wages?

That should have been noted in the release forms that all insurance companies require an injured person to sign. If it was not noted then it will be at their discretion. The injured person has the option to dispute any decision through proscribed legal venues.

Can you buy a car in Florida with a suspended license?

Yes, but you have to buy it straight out and you can't drive it on the road! Buying a car on credit, you need a valid Driver License in order to get Insurance. A car dealer wont release a car on credit without proof of insurance and Insurance companies won't give you coverage unless you have a valid Driver License.

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All companies listed on the stock exchange are required to release annual financial reports to the public. All major companies such as Microsoft, Sony and Apple release financial reports.

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Insurance - 2011 was released on: USA: 19 August 2011