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Q: What is the lowest BAC level that will lead to a charge and is a criminal offence?
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What is the least sentence for common assault?

In Canada, the lowest sentence for this type of charge is an absolute discharge (ie: convicted of the offence but immediately pardoned so there is no criminal record) Another common sentence for low level assaults is a conditional discharge. This means that the charge is removed from one's criminal record upon successful completion of a period of probation.

What does criminal charge M level F mean?

Charge M is misdemeanor. I'm trying to figure out what the level part is too :(

Which level of government writes the majority of criminal laws?

The government has three branches, each of which is in charge of specific aspects of life. On the federal level, the legislative branch is in charge of writing the criminal laws. State and local governments also have the powers to write criminal laws specific to their state or locality.

What is the lowest level of the cns?

what is the lowest level of the CNS

What is the lowest level of metabolism?

There is no specific lowest level of metabolism.

What is the lowest level of organization in human?

The lowest level is the cell.

What is the lowest level of the caste system?

The lowest level is the Outcastes ("untouchables")

In Naruto what is the highest and lowest level or a ninja?

the lowest level is genin and the highest level is kage.

Of the four protein structureswhich level is lowest level of a protein structure?

the primary structure is the lowest level

Can you be a phlebotomist with a neglect charge on your criminal history?

It doesn't seem that that particular charge would rise to the level of being a bar to licensure -HOWEVER- you will have to check with the agency of your state that licenses persons practicing that occupation.

What is the lowest level gothrita can be in Pokemon black?

For Route 5 the lowest level is 19.