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Q: What is the link between civil and criminal liability in terms of non-compliance with business law?
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How can you improve the relationship between criminal law and liability within the criminal justice system?

The relationship between criminal law and liability within the criminal justice system can be improved with tighter regulations. Instead of allowing judges to be overly judicial, mandates could be issued requiring more uniform sentences.

What is the difference between Accountability and liability?

Liability is where a business allows shareholders to have control over a business. Liability in French means check out my big saggy old man balls.

Difference between company and other forms of business?

The liability of owners is limited to the extent of their contribution is Limited companies whereas in other forms of business the liability of owners is unlimited.

What is the difference between net worth and total liabilities?

Net worth is the liability of the business entity to the owner whereas total liabilities is the total of all liabilities of the business entity. ( however normally when we speak of total liabilities of the business we may/can exclude the liability of the business to the owner)

What is the difference between civil liability and penal liability?

A civil wrong is when one person is accused of wronging another person. For example, breaking a contract or crashing into your car. Penal liability refers to criminal wrongs, where a person is accused of wronging society.

Differences between limited and unlimited liability?

Limited and unlimited liability differ from one another significantly. Limited liability is an ownership in a business where one contributes certain funds but, if the company were to go under, the individual would not lose all of their assets. Unlimited liability is when one essentially goes in all or nothing within their business. If the business fails, the individual's personal assets are also at stake.

What is the difference between contingent liability and off balance sheet liability?

There is no difference between Contingent Liability and Off Balance Sheet Liability.

What is the different between civil law and criminal law with focus to business law?

All business law is based in the civil law system, unless the offenders actions cross the line into a criminal activity (e.g.: Embezzlement - Fraud - etc).

Is PF contribution is current liability or an expenses?

Do not use short forms or initials for anything what is plain to one person is meaningless to another. Get out of the accounting and bookkeeping business if you cannot tell the difference between and expense and a liability.

Is sales revenue an expense or asset?

Sales is a revenue not an expense or asset while difference between sales and expense is profit which is liability for business.

Is there a difference between public liability and third party insurance?

difference between third party liability and public liability

What is the Difference between civil and criminal tort liability?

Criminal negligence is an act of negligence that results in a crime-such as involuntary manslaughter which are tried in a criminal court. Tort negligence is negligence thought of as a "civil wrongdoing" which is addressed in civil courts.