Great question! The legal drinking age in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin is 21. At 21, you will be able to purchase beer, wine, vodka, and other alcohol contained beverages.
The web address of the Lake Geneva Museum is:
The phone number of the Geneva Lake Museum is: 262-248-6060.
The address of the Geneva Lake Art Association is: Po Box 623, Lake Geneva, WI 53147-0623
The address of the Lake Geneva Heritage Center is: W3170 South Lake Shore Drive, Lake Geneva, WI 53147-4367
The phone number of the Geneva Lake Art Association is: 262-249-7988.
The current mayor of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin is Jim Connors. He was elected to office in 2014 and his term will run until 2016.
The address of the Geneva Lakes Area Museum is: 255 Mill St, Lake Geneva, WI 53147
The address of the Lake Geneva Historical Society Inc is: Po Box 190, Lake Geneva, WI 53147
It is 55.6 miles according to Google Maps.
Yes this insect is used for fishing there.
Rock Dam Lake Geneva Lake Lake Koshkonong
The web address of the Geneva Lakes Area Museum is: