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Legal definition of care, custody and control?

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Q: What is the legal definition of care custody and control?
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Related questions

What is it mean to have custody over someone?

Basically it means getting to be the legal guardian of children. For example, if a couple divorces and the mother is given custody of the children, she then becomes the children's legal guardian and they will usually live with her, often with visits from the father.

Can parents have guardianship of their child when they are over 18 years of age?

If they have legal custody, they are, by definition, the legal guardians.

In Illinois if father has residential custody is he allowed to make medical decisions?

You would need to look at the part of your custody paperwork that pertains to legal custody. Full legal custody to one parent means that they are solely responsible for legal decisions such as medical care, while joint legal custody means that either parent can make those decisions while the child is in their care. In a joint legal custody both parents have equal say and any differences of opinion may need to be settled by the court.

How do you spell cusdity?

The correct spelling is custody (control, care, or physical possession).

Responsibility for the care and control of?

That answer would be custody to the question you looked up.

What is meant by the phrase petitioner further prays for temporary and permanent legal custody and physical care of the children?

The person has petitioned the court for sole legal and physical custody of the children.The person has petitioned the court for sole legal and physical custody of the children.The person has petitioned the court for sole legal and physical custody of the children.The person has petitioned the court for sole legal and physical custody of the children.

You have temp custody of 2 children that are not related to you for 1yr how do you get legal custody of them?

File a motion for full guardianship of a child in need of care.

How do you write custody in a sentence?

Custody refers to the legal right to care for and make decisions for a child. In a sentence, you could say, "The court awarded sole custody of the children to their mother."

Can you take your kids to a psychologist when you have joint custody and their dad disagrees?

There are two types of custody, physical and legal. Legal custody concerns joint decision making in the child's life including health care, so if you have joint legal custody, the father has the right to object to you taking such an action and it would have to be court ordered otherwise.

Father has joint custody and mother has care and control who is responsible to take the children to dentist and doctor appointments?

It is the duty of the mother as she has the care and control of the child.

Can you get child support if you care for the child of a family member?

You must have legal custody in order to request a child support order from the court.You must have legal custody in order to request a child support order from the court.You must have legal custody in order to request a child support order from the court.You must have legal custody in order to request a child support order from the court.

What is garage keepers legal liability?

Garage Keepers Legal Liability is primarily for an automotive repair shop with other people's vehicles in their Care, Custody and Control. Should a claim occur when this vehicle is in the shop's possession, it would be paid under this policy.