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Q: What is the legal age for a child to be able to speak for them self in a court of law?
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How does a grandmother become a legal guardian?

If neither of the child's parents are able or willing to care for the child in a safe, loving environment, the grandmother can petition the court for custody of the child. You will need to retain an attorney, and you will also have to provide proof that the parent(s) are not either willing or able to care and provide for the child. You can also petition for the court to award child support to be paid to you by one or both parents if you do become the legal guardian of the child, as well as requesting that they maintain medical insurance on the child.

Can a non biological parent get visitation?

I would contact a local attorney and explain your situation. In some cases, you may be able to sue the biological father for non-support. Just remember, if he didn't have the money to pay child support, more than likely it will just be a moral victory. However, if the father has a business, home, or other assets, you may be able to have a lien placed against the bio father. My advice for you is to keep accurate records and when the child turns 18, have the child petition the court to have the child support paid to them. There is no statute of limitations on child support payments and states have agreements to cooperate in finding and collecting support. Good luck, BW

Where can you go to file child support if your still married?

You should consult with an attorney. If that's not possible you should visit the local family court and ask to speak with an advocate who may be able to give you some advice on how to proceed if your spouse is not providing support. You may need to file for a legal separation or divorce.You should consult with an attorney. If that's not possible you should visit the local family court and ask to speak with an advocate who may be able to give you some advice on how to proceed if your spouse is not providing support. You may need to file for a legal separation or divorce.You should consult with an attorney. If that's not possible you should visit the local family court and ask to speak with an advocate who may be able to give you some advice on how to proceed if your spouse is not providing support. You may need to file for a legal separation or divorce.You should consult with an attorney. If that's not possible you should visit the local family court and ask to speak with an advocate who may be able to give you some advice on how to proceed if your spouse is not providing support. You may need to file for a legal separation or divorce.

What happened to Zechariah and his disbelief of Elizabeth having a child?

Zechariah was not able to speak until the child was born. Zechariah later saw the child and wrote on a tablet his name would be John.Then after he was able to speak.

How can you gain custody of non relative child with consent from biological parents?

You must do it through the court. Visit the local family court to inquire about the process in your jurisdiction. Since the parents will consent a court advocate may be able to assist you in the process. You need to petition for legal guardianship.You must do it through the court. Visit the local family court to inquire about the process in your jurisdiction. Since the parents will consent a court advocate may be able to assist you in the process. You need to petition for legal guardianship.You must do it through the court. Visit the local family court to inquire about the process in your jurisdiction. Since the parents will consent a court advocate may be able to assist you in the process. You need to petition for legal guardianship.You must do it through the court. Visit the local family court to inquire about the process in your jurisdiction. Since the parents will consent a court advocate may be able to assist you in the process. You need to petition for legal guardianship.

If the mother consents can you take your child across state lines permanently without legal documentation or do you still need to go through the courts?

I assume you are unmarried. Generally in the United States, an unmarried mother has sole legal custody of her child automatically. An unmarried father must establish his paternity legally in court in order to gain parental rights. Once established he can petition for custody and/or a visitation schedule. If the mother consents to the father having legal custody the procedure will go more quickly and smoothly. He should request a consent and court approval to move the child out of state at the same time.If you do as planned, you do not have legal custody of your child and you will encounter legal problems. You may not be able to register the child in school or obtain medical treatment without proof of legal custody. There is always the possibility that the child's mother will change her mind and accuse you of kidnapping.You should visit the family court and ask to speak with an advocate who can advise you what you need to file. It would be better if you could consult with a private attorney who specializes in family law and custody issues in your area.

When does a child become able to sign legal papers?

i think 12 cause im a biological child and i signed a legal guardianship thing

How do you collect child support if the father of the child doesn't have a Social Security number?

You can file a claim with the state department's Office of Child Support Services. You can google "Office of Child Support Services" and the name of the state in which you live, and you should be able to find the site. It will be a .gov site. Also, if the father of the child happens to be a U.S. Citizen, then I'm fairly sure that he needs a social security number in order to pay his taxes.

If a father has full custody of a child and the court says that they can't find the mother is there any way he can get child support from her?

The court can do nothing until they are able to contact her.

Why do I have to pay child support on a dead child?

You don't. The child's death should be reported to the court accompanied by a certified death certificate. The court should be able to assist you in petitioning to terminate the child support order.

How soon after a child starts to live with a non-custodial parent in California can apply for legal custody and child support with a current Child Support order in Texas?

As soon as possible. You will have to file an amendment to the existing order. This service may be available by mail. You want to make sure you have proof of custody such as school and/or medical records, daycare expenses etc. You may also be able to have this taken care of by a Court in California and have them contact the court services in Texas for you. It may take longer but this way a court official may be able to verify the child is in your possession.

What age is a child legally able to be independent in Canada?

From a legal perspective-- 18