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South Dakota does not have any laws regarding the age of babysitters for siblings or otherwise. The state also does not have laws regarding the age a child can stay home alone. Parents are expected to use their best judgment and are ultimately responsible for the care of their children.

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Q: What is the legal age at which a child can babysit a sibling in South Dakota?
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How old do you have to be to babysit a sibling in Ontario?

old enough to care for that child

Can a child who is 13 years old watch a younger sibling in new jersey?

Yes when you turn 13 you can babysit

What is the legal minimum age to babysit in England?

There is no law saying at what age you are allowed to babysit in england. However there are recomendations by some charities: most say aged 14 or 16, aproximately. However if an adult leaves their child in the charge of a miner then they remain responsible for the child wellfare.

Can an almost 12 year old babysit a 9year old a 6 year old and a 4 year old sibling If she has lots of experience?

This answer is all up to the parents. If the partent feels that their child is responsible, then that parent can let them. There is no law stating that a child can babysit another child.

How old do you have to be to stay home with a sibling?

i think that an appropriate age for leaving your child to babysit is about the age of 13 and up. it mostly depends on the level of maturity and responsibilty. if your child is the right age but is neither mature in sence and responsible, dont let him/her babysit

Is leaving a child under 10 at home by themself illegal?

NO it is not it's only illegal if you do not have a phone in the home and if they are watching a sibling, you have to be 12 to babysit

Legal age a child can babysit alone overnight in South Carolina?

only 7 years old

How old to babysit siblings in Maryland?

13+ to babysit in md 12 in most other states but you can be home alone for brief periods of time between 8 and 12, if the child left at home is under 8 you need a 13+ year old to be present. hope it helped :)

What is the age to babysit younger sibling in England?

There is no age limit anywhere in the UK, but leaving a child "improperly cared for" is against the law. Really, it depends on what your parents think suitable! If you want to watch your sibling, ask if you can try doing it for a couple hours to see if you like it. Good luck!

Why would you let someone babysit your child?

I would let someone babysit there child because it will let the child interact will other people. It will teach responsibility. The babysitter and the child will bond.

Can you babysit at 11?

yes your child can babysit at age 11 if you think that your child is mature enough. But in some states you would have to be 12 or older

How old a teenager has to be for babysitting overnight?

You have to be 17 or 18 to babysit a child overnight. Sometimes when you babysit someones child you must not have a record with the police.