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The law, and equal application of the law in all cases, in and of itself protects freedom in modern societies.

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it is the Bill of Rights

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Q: What is the law protected by freedom?
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freedom from taxation by royal (executive) prerogative, without agreement by Parliament (legislators), freedom from a peace-time standing army, freedom [for Protestants] to bear arms for their defence, as allowed by law, freedom to elect members of Parliament without interference from the Sovereign, freedom of speech in Parliament, freedom from cruel and unusual punishments and excessive bail, and freedom from fines and forfeitures without trial.

Are the koalas protected from the law?

No. They are protected by the law. With few exceptions, all Australian indigenous wildlife is protected by law.

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Judge Ford believes that individual freedoms and rights should be protected, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to privacy. She upholds the importance of the Constitution and aims to ensure that the law is applied fairly and justly to all individuals.

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the social contract theory that man is born into nature and gives up total freedom to be protected by the law

Is speaking against the government against the law?

Not in the United States we are protected by the First Amendment which gives us freedom of speech. However it is against the law to make threats against the government.

Freedom of speech and the press is protected under the?

The freedom of speech and the press is protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

What are freedoms protected by a government's law?

Amendments are freedoms protected by law.

Is humpback whales protected by law?

yes thay are protected by the internation law

How is freedom or religion protected by the constitution?

the bill of rights protects the freedom of religon

What are the 3 rights protected by the constition?

Freedom of speach, religion and freedom of work