It means getting money in some way that involves lying or deception. For an example, pretending to be injured and obtaining financial benefits when you are not deserving of them and they should not be given to you, because you do not really have the condition you are saying you have.
The individual will still be responsible for paying back the money they owe even after serving time in jail. Time served does not fulfill their obligation to repay the victim for the property obtained by false pretense. They may be required to pay restitution as part of their sentence.
The maximum sentence for obtaining money under false pretenses varies depending on the jurisdiction and the amount of money involved. Penalties can range from a few months to several years in prison. In some cases, it may be classified as a felony offense.
Homeowners do not like obtaining empty house insurance because they have to pay extra money even though they are not living there. This insurance is useful in protection against vandals and accidents.
Only if there is fraud. For example, I subscribe to a magazine under a false name, and I send them a money order. While I got the magazine under false pretenses, they were not defrauded and thus no crime occurs. It also depends on the amount. If the fraud involves small amounts of money it may only be a misdemeanor.
Make a copmplaint against the detective with his department, or bring suit against him for false statements. CAUTION: Think this over carefully! Be prepared to present proof of your allegation against the detective, and if unable to prove your case, be prepared to be sued in return.
In "The Destructors" by Graham Greene, the house that the boys destroy, Mr. Thomas's home, can be seen as a symbol of values, money, and beauty. By destroying it, the boys are rebelling against these societal norms and traditional values. The destruction of the house represents a rejection of the materialism and pretense associated with wealth and beauty.
True or false does fiat money have no inherent worth?
False Money - 1908 was released on: USA: April 1908
False. It is in the House.