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Jurisprudence is the study of Legal philosophy IE what makes a moral law.

There are laws in the UK such as "murder is a crime" and "rape is a crime". the vast majority of people support these laws as they believe that murder and rapes are immoral acts that deserve to be punished.

In many country's there are laws such as "woman who are raped commit adultery and therefore should be stoned" and "if a man kills your relative, you may kill his relative". these sorts of laws are seen by Westerners as disgusting and immoral.

The role of Jurisprudence is to decide which laws and moral and which laws are immoral. To do this legal philosophers ask questions such as

"Does this law comply with the morals of our society?"

"Does this law ensure all people are equally accountable?"

Jurisprudence therefore is vital to any country that that wishes to have a just, fair legal system. If a country did not use jurisprudence then the law could become corrupt and a force for bad.

Sources : Im a law student

Dean Mcevoy

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Laws are not always absolute, so courts has to interpret their meanings and settle disputes that a lower court may have about what a law can mean with philosophy and in theory. If the argument goes to the highest court in the land their findings are final.

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