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Q: What is the full name of the militant organization that uses terrorism to demand land for an independent palestinian state?
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What is the full name of the militant organization that uses terrorism to demand land for independent Palestinian state?

Palestine Liberation Organization.

What group is the militant organization founded in 1817 that rivaled the Palestine liberation organization and strongly opposed the Oslo Accords?

There is no organization that fits all of these criteria. There is no Palestinian/Arab/Islamic militant organization that was founded in 1817. However, a militant organization created in 1987 that rivaled the Palestine Liberation Organization and strongly opposed the Oslo Accords was HAMAS.

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Palestinian Christian militant

Who is the Leader of palestinian liberation in 1969 to 2006?

Yasser Arafat led the Palestinian Liberation Organization from 1969 until his death in 2006. However, there were a number of other Palestinian leaders in various different Palestinian militant and civilian organizations that did not necessarily report to Arafat, so he is not the leader of the entire Palestinian Liberation Movement.

What did the militant Palestinian Arabs do in the S's?

There is no such thing as "S's", so it is impossible to say what Palestinian Militants did in them.

Which of the following groups is not made up of Palestinians Black October Hamas Hezbollah PFLP?

HEZBOLLAHBlack October, Hamas, and the PFLP are all Palestinian militant organizations. Hamas and PFLP primarily operate in the Palestinian Territories and Black October used to operate in Jordan, but was populated by Palestinians. Hezbollah is a Lebanese and Syrian militant organization which operates completely outside of the Palestinian Territories and uses primarily Lebanese and Syrians to swell its ranks.

Who started the black September attack?

From Wikipedia: The Black September Organization (BSO) was a Palestinian militant group, founded in 1970. It became notorious for the kidnap and murder of eleven Israeli athletes and officials, and the murder of a German policeman, during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich.The founder of the organization is not clearly identified as it began as an offshoot of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). Pleas see the link below for more information.

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How was terrorism become a part of modern global conflicts?

militant groups have waged economic wars against governments

What is diff between terrorism and naxelism?

Naxalism referes to the Naxalite, militant communist groups operating in different parts of India. They have been declared as a terrorist Group by Indian acts of law. Terrorism is a general term used for describing militant groups who create a sense of fear or terror for other people, usually civillians.