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Personal Information

  • Name:(complete name including, your first name, middle name, and last name)
  • Age:(write completed years)
  • Sex:
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Complexion:
  • Date of Birth:
  • Place of Birth:
  • Religion:
  • Marital Status: (never married, divorced, etc,)
  • Children: (from the first marriage or adopted if any)
  • Educational Qualification:
  • Hobbies:
  • Habits:

Professional Information

  • Job Status: (working, unemployed, searching, or student)
  • Job Description: (government job, private company, proprietor, or business)
  • Job Profile: (your position in the office)
  • Job Timings: (mention working hours here and shifts, such as night shift etc.,)
  • Annual Income:
  • Name of the Company:

Family Details

Father's Name: (mention if he is alive or no more)


Job Description:

Mother's Name: (mention if he is alive or no more)


Job Description:

(also mention if your parents separated and/or remarried)

Brother's or/and Sister's Name:


Job Description:

(also mention if married, unmarried, divorced and/or remarried)

Family Structure: (nuclear, joint)

Number of members in the family:

(also mention if the maid servant is available or not)

Horoscope Details

(if you are an Indian or intend to marry an Indian who believes in horoscopes or if you believe in horoscope)

  • Rashi:
  • Gotra:
  • Kul-devata:
  • Nad:
  • Kul
  • Caste:
  • Sub Caste:
  • Patrika:

Contact Details

  • Address:
  • Permanent Address:
  • Phone No:
  • Mobile No:
  • E-mail Id:
  • Fax No:
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13y ago
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10y ago

The format for preparing a biodata of a Muslim boy to get married consists of filling out paperwork about date of birth, gender and goals. A description of the kind of girl he would like to marry can also be included.

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15y ago

Tell me how i make a bio data for marriage purpose

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12y ago

need sample. Refer to link below to find matrimonial bio data format.

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15y ago


Refer the reference section of the Oxford Advanced learners Dictionary to prepare the Curriculum vitae.

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14y ago

how i prepare biodta 4marriage?

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13y ago


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Q: What is the format used to prepare a biodata for marriage?
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What is the Tagalog word translation for biodata?

The Tagalog word for 'biodata' is 'biodata' itself. It is commonly used in the Philippines to refer to a document containing biographical information about a person.

Write c programs to display 10 line biodata?

A C++ program can be used to write C programs that will display 10 lines of biodata. Many types of C programming can be written with a C++ program.

What are the contents of a biodata?

Biodata is biographical data. The biodata or resume comprise of the following contents: Personal details, Job objective, Education, Professional experience, Computer skills, Language and Personal Communication Skills, Extracurricular activities, References.

What is reformatting?

Basically, it means to prepare the computer for use.

Command to format a drive?

The command used to format a drive is "Format".

How does the format command prepare the disk fpr the operating system?

The format command on its own - erases the reference track of the disc - removing the title(s) of any files and marking any used sectors as usable again. Adding the /s tag to the format command has the additional function of copying two (normally hidden) files - Autoexec.bat & Config.sys to the disc once the format command has been executed. This tells the computer that the disc can be used to boot-up the system when it's switched on.

What kind of ethylene glycol is used to prepare brake fluid?

none is used to prepare it, it is antifreeze!

Production budget are used to prepare which budget?

production budgets are used to prepare which of the following budgets

Why did Cleopatra marry Marc Anthony?

The so-called marriage to Marc Antony was not a legitimate marriage. It was a marriage of politics or a blending of their political ideas. The term "marriage" was used in the broadest form of the word.The so-called marriage to Marc Antony was not a legitimate marriage. It was a marriage of politics or a blending of their political ideas. The term "marriage" was used in the broadest form of the word.The so-called marriage to Marc Antony was not a legitimate marriage. It was a marriage of politics or a blending of their political ideas. The term "marriage" was used in the broadest form of the word.The so-called marriage to Marc Antony was not a legitimate marriage. It was a marriage of politics or a blending of their political ideas. The term "marriage" was used in the broadest form of the word.The so-called marriage to Marc Antony was not a legitimate marriage. It was a marriage of politics or a blending of their political ideas. The term "marriage" was used in the broadest form of the word.The so-called marriage to Marc Antony was not a legitimate marriage. It was a marriage of politics or a blending of their political ideas. The term "marriage" was used in the broadest form of the word.The so-called marriage to Marc Antony was not a legitimate marriage. It was a marriage of politics or a blending of their political ideas. The term "marriage" was used in the broadest form of the word.The so-called marriage to Marc Antony was not a legitimate marriage. It was a marriage of politics or a blending of their political ideas. The term "marriage" was used in the broadest form of the word.The so-called marriage to Marc Antony was not a legitimate marriage. It was a marriage of politics or a blending of their political ideas. The term "marriage" was used in the broadest form of the word.

Is prepare an adjective?

No. Prepare is a verb. The form prepared may be used an adjective.

What is s switch used for in format disk?

The "-s" switch in the format command is used to format the disk so that it is a "system" disk. In other words, it makes it a "bootable" disk.

What is true concerning outline and matrix format used when creating a format task organization?

The answer to the question of which of the formats used to create a format task organization is none of them. They are both wrong.