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Q: What is the first amandment?
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Related questions

When was the first amandment wrote?

The first amandment was written by Abe Lincoln during the Civil War saying any slaves still fighting agenst the union was now legally free.

What do we call a change in the constitution?

An amandment.

What do we call a change the constitution?

An amandment.

Which amandment began prohibition?

The eighteenth amendment to the U.S Constitution began the prohibition of alcohol. This amendment was repealed by the twenty-first.

What amendment states If the police want to earch your home they cannot do it without a warrant?

Fourth Amandment

Amendment VIII protects citizens against the imposition of?

Amandment VIII prohibits cruel and unusual punishment by government.

Who won tinker vs des moines?

The people who won the Tinker v. Des Moines, (1969) case were the students (Tinker) whose First Amendment right freedom of speech was upheld by the Supreme Court.Case Citation:Tinker v. Des Moines, 393 US 503 (1969)

Which amendment to the constitution is named after Susan B. Anthony?

okay i figured it out...its the 19th amandment! which gave women the right to vote. the 19th amendment is also known as the susan b Anthony amendment! thanks. you can Google the question and scroll down a little bit and it will tell you the same answer if you want to check and be sure

What does the fifth amandment mean?

The fifth amendment entitles you to not say anything about something you have just been arrested for. Many emotions prevail when you have just been accused of something - even as far as admitting you have doen something when you haven't. This amendment is to protect you until you calm down and are thinking straight. Of course you can waive your 'amanda rights' but they will be taken into consideration should your case go to court. Take my advice - use your fifth amendment wisely!

Constitutional Convention and slavery?

Slave trade became an important issue during the Constitutional Convention. Southern slaveholders did not want the Congress to take the power over slave trade while controlling foreign affairs. So they only let the Congress have power over trade, excluding slave trade, for next twenty years.

What is the fourth amandment?

The fourth amendment of the bill of rights states that "the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Can the prosecution cross examine defense witnesses?

Unable to answer this question in this venue. There are entire textbooks devoted solely to this subject. But never forget Rule #1 - "NEVER ask a witness a question you don't already know the answer to!"