in terms of their use
To make sure that both of the terms you are searching for appear in the document, use a '+' symbol. If you want the terms to appear in the exact order as a phrase or term, use quotation marks.
What type of language is best to use in a technical document
It goes cold quickly and also sets in lumps. This makes it difficult to use for catering.
A .doc file is a Microsoft Word document. Microsoft Word 2007 uses the .docx extension, but previous versions of Word use .doc.
Where language is difficult to decipher, try consulting sources that state the information in clearer terms.
Where language is difficult to decipher, try consulting sources that state the information in clearer terms.
You need to accept the Terms of Use in the licence agreement.
Where language is difficult to decipher, try consulting sources that state the information in clearer terms.
It applies to legal documents between the same parties. When a new document replaces a previous one, it cancels the previous in its entirety, while when it supersedes the previous document, the terms that are unchanged or not mentioned in the new document remain in force as per the previous document, as it to say that "supersedes" means "updates". In practice and for avoidance of doubt lawyers use "supersedes and replaces" in order to cancel the previous document.
You can use a chef's hat as your logo. Sometimes it is better to be more creative or colorful so your logo stands out and is remembered.