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Zoning laws are laws that are issued by local governments to regulate the size, type, structure, and use of land or buildings in designated areas. These laws divide the cities into district areas according to use. For instance, single-family homes, commercial establishments, etc.

Restrictive covenants are deed restrictions that apply to a group of homes or lots in a specific development or 'subdivision.' They are normally drafted and put in place by the original developer, and are different for every area of homes. Restrictions give a development a more standard appearance because they control some of the activities that take place within its boundaries. Covenants nearly always stipulate the minimum size residence allowed, how many homes may be built on one lot, and what type of construction the homes must (or must not) be.

Restrictive covenants can be attached to any property by the seller, often to benefit the sellers remaining land. The property may be restricted to only the building of a residential structure or a sight restriction to not plant trees to block a view may be imposed. There may be any number of other types of restrictions. Restrictions that govern building near wetlands or waterways can also be imposed by town Conservation Commissions.

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Can you put a trailer on private property?

Check your zoning office where your property is located. They have the final say. Also make sure you don't have any covenants & restrictions in your subdivision or neighborhood you could be violating.

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