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An illustration of a reduced charge might be taking a felony Burglary charge and reducing it down to two misdemeanors such as Trespass and Unlawful entry.

A dismissed charge means that the judge found some legal reason that the charge was not valid or was insufficiently supported by the evidence and he either nullified it permanently (dismissed WITH prejudice) or temporarily dismissed it and left room for the prosecutor to amend and re-file, (dismissed WITHOUT prejudice).

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There isn't a major difference between the two. The court, court financial and record responsibilities vary for dismissed. Whereas, in some states it is as if it never happen.

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Q: What is the difference between having charges against you dropped and having charges against you dismissed?
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If the charges against you were dismissed, (that means they "went away" just tlike they never existed), then you don't have a trial, speedy or otherwise.

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Dismissed means for some reason or another you were not held accountable for the charge; like the person dropped the charges. Not guilty means there was not enough evidence to convict.

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Were the 6 charges dismissed WITH PREJUDICE, or dismissed WITHOUT PREJUDICE? If they were dismiessed WITH prejudice they can NOT be used against the defendant again. If they were dismissed WITHOUT prejudice, that means they COULD be brought up again (albeit in slightly different form) and used against him again.

What is the difference between dismissed with prejudice and without prejudice?

It is an order issued by a judge actually dismissing the charges that were brought in the case - usually for some legal insufficiency, or lack of evidence, of the case itself. There are two types of dismissal: Dismissal WITH Prejudice, and Dismissal WITHOUT Prejudice. WITH prejudice means that the same charges cannot be re-instituted and brought before the court again,. WITHOUT Prejudice means that the charges MAY be re-instituted and brought before court again AFTER the legal insufficiency is cured.

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If the forgery charge against you was actually dismissed, then you were not convicted, and although the record of your arrest still exists so, also, does the record that the charges were dismissed.

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No. The charges were dismissed.

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There is no potential difference between identical charges

If someone press charges on me and dies is case dismissed?

Not necessarily. It can depend on the type of case. If a murderer's victim dies, they don't drop the charges against the person that murdered them, do they?

What the disadvantages for out of court settlements?

may result in the reduction of a jail or prison termadditional charges may be dismissed against the defendant

Can someone with dismissed charges leave the country and come back?

Dismissed charges should have no impact on whether you can travel and return.

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Federal criminal charges are when a crime has been committed specifically against a federal law. Simple criminal charges are more general and the crime might have been committed against a federal or national law.

Can charges against you be dropped if you flee the us?

Most likely not. Some cases are "dismissed with leave" meaning upon locating you again in the USA, the charges will be "resurrected" and you must answer them, misdemeanors or felonies.