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A back ground check is looking into a persons back ground , for instance where he/she has lived what schools were attended what jobs were had possibly credit rating. If the person being checked has no criminal history then that wont come up in the background check. On the other hand when looking for a persons criminal history that's all that is sought and no notice is taken of the rest of the back ground.

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13y ago

Well criminal background is whatever is on your background from whatever you where convicted of to whatever you where aresst for. Remember that just because you are aressted it does not mean you are convicted for the crime. On the other hand Criminal Conviction means yes whatever it is you did its there on your background and you where indeed convicted of it Conviction its the outcome of the prosecution which is based upon the defendant if and or is guilty and being charged with a crime and charges will be proceed in the judge order.

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12y ago

Essentially, in common every-day usage, they mean the same thing.

However technically - a Criminal Clearance could consist of simply a signed document certifying that the background of a particular individual was researched and nothing was found.

While a Criminal Background Report might consist of a dcoument detailing the individuals entire criminal history.

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