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Q: What is the difference between businessman and an artist?
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Difference between businessman and entrepreneur?

There really isn't one. They both work and do business. :)

What are the difference between entrepreneurs and businessman?

entrepreneurs are not yet establised and busines men are established

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Be more specific. A Graphic Artist and what else.

What is the difference between an artist an inventor and an entrepreneur?

an artist does art and the others don't

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Dejay Cash is an Artist, Musician, BusinessMan An Everthing You Wont Him To Be

What is the Difference between the Minoan and mycenaean?

minoans were better artist-Apexxx Sierra Pacific ( : 559..Mycenaeans had a stronger military.Minoans are better artist than the Mycenaeans.

What is the different between employment and businessman?

Employment need to work under some person Businessman need to work under Business There is no difference One thing is that employee get salary whereas Employer get all risk and rewards and benefits if it is possible Thatsit

What are the difference between country songs?

The artist, the lyrics, the music video. Everything but the style of the song is different.

What difference between businessman and serviceman?

A businessman typically operates a for-profit business, focusing on generating revenue and profit. A serviceman, on the other hand, works in a service-oriented industry, providing services in exchange for compensation. The key distinction is that a businessman is involved in running a business, while a serviceman is engaged in providing specific services.

What is the difference between Minoan and the Mycenaean societies?

minoans were better artist-Apexxx Sierra Pacific ( : 559..Mycenaeans had a stronger military.Minoans are better artist than the Mycenaeans.

What is the difference between an artist and a songwriter?

Well, in most cases an artist is the person who is actually performing the song. The songwriter writes the song. In most cases though (depending on the music you listen to) the artist writes the song.

What is the difference between a common item you can buy in the store like a sponge and an artist representation of a sponge?

The artistic sponge has meaning.