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Their binding force,,, rescissible contract renders it defective due to external facts that may prejudice a contracting party or even a third person. While voidable contract becomes defective due to the vice of consent :)

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Q: What is the difference between a voidable and rescissible contract?
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A void contract is one that has no effect due to some fundamental defect. Generally no property can pass under a void contract. Contracts contrary to public policy, for example, to restrain another from pursuing their business, are usually void. A voidable contract on the other hand, is a valid contract but the law gives one party an option whether or not to proceed with the agreement. For instance, there may be misrepresentation which allows the innocent party to make certain choices, thus a contract declared voidable. • •

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The major similarity that both poses is that no one is having full force of enforcement as in the case of void contracts which are unenforceable ab initio and voidable contract also when rescinded by the other party can never be enforced in any court of law.By Isare Peter. LL.B UDSM

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What is the difference between a void contract and a voidable contract?

A contract that is void means technically that there never was a contract. There are few times when this remedy is available including if there was a mistake, the contract was entered into under duress, or that the contract was never properly formed. A contract that is 'voidable' is when there has been a misrepresentation or a mistake that allows the innocent party to decide whether the contract will be affirmed, or 'rescinded'. Rescinding a contract has the same effect as if it were void (puts the parties back to where they were as if the contract had never been formed), but the key differences are that it is a choice whether to rescind or affirm and then sue for damages for expectation. Also, rescission is not available in some particular situations: where there are third parties involed, when the contract has already been affirmed, when it is impossible to put the parties back to where they were before the contract was formed, or where the rescission was not done in a reasonable time.

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