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Seal to an paper document shows that it is issued by an authenticated person, and color of the seal dose not affect the legality of paper document.

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Q: What is the difference between a gold foil seal and a red foil seal?
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What is the difference between aluminum foil and gold foil?

Aluminum foil is made of aluminum and is commonly used for wrapping food and cooking. Gold foil is made of gold leaf and is more delicate and used for decorating items or as an embellishment in arts and crafts. Gold foil is more expensive than aluminum foil.

What is the difference between a red seal vs a gold seal on educational diplomas?

A gold seal is for a regular Bachelor's degree. A red seal indicates an honours degree.

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its because a

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leopard seals have spots like a leopard and a seal is just gray

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You wrap food in foil and seal all the edges before cooking it.

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walrus have tusks and seals don't

How do you seal ends of braids?

try with rubber bands and foil

Difference between gold and silver seal on presidents education award?

The Gold award recognizes students who have demonstrated excellence in academics, leadership, and service. The Silver award recognizes students who have shown significant improvement and commitment in achieving their academic and personal goals. Both awards are prestigious honors given to students by the President of the United States.

Which mammal has the greatest relative size difference between the sexes?

Elephant Seal

What is the difference between a 1928 US 50 dollar bill with a gold seal and one with a green seal?

A gold seal on a bill dated 1928 or earlier indicates it's a gold certificate, a form of paper money that could be exchanged for an equivalent amount of gold metal. A green seal on any bill dated 1928 or later indicates it's a Federal Reserve Note, a form of money backed not by precious metal but by the credit of the Federal Reserve System. All modern US paper money is printed as Federal Reserve Notes. Gold certificates were demonetized and removed from circulation in 1933, during the Great Depression.

Is there a difference in between pup and puppy?

well there isn't much different between them but a pup is also a baby seal