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In the US, section 115 of the law requires that once a recording of a "nondramatic musical work" has been released, anyone else wishing to distribute a recording of it must be given a license at a statutory rate. This provision is not commonly used, as both rightsholders and users prefer negotiated licenses.

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Are schools exemped from copyright laws?

No. There is a provision in the "fair use" exception regarding educational use of a portion of copyrighted materials but it does not remove the responsibility for educational institutions to adhere to copyright law.

Are schools exempt from copyright laws?

No. There is a provision in the "fair use" exception regarding educational use of a portion of copyrighted materials but it does not remove the responsibility for educational institutions to adhere to copyright law.

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Copyright registration is not compulsory but registration give a prime facie evidence in court of law the office address is given below Dy. Registrar of Copyrights Copyright Division. Department of Higher Education Ministry of Human Resource Development 4th Floor, Jeevan Deep Building Parliament Street New Delhi : 110001 ph no: 9891244487

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No. What you are asking about is called a "poor man's copyright." There is no provision in the copyright law regarding any such type of protection, and it is not a substitute for registration. Additionally the principle has never been shown in court to add any protection to an unregistered claim of copyright.

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The section of current US copyright law dealing with "author's credit" is Title 17 chapter 1 §106A Rights of certain authors to attribution and integrity (see related link below for full text)

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Commonly "poor man's copyright" refers to sending a copy of your work to yourself by registered mail. Theoretically this establishes a date of completion (assuming the Postal service is a "trusted source") Bear in mind however that there is no provision in copyright law regarding any such type of protection. Poor man's copyright is not a substitute for registration and until tested in court is best regarded as an "urban myth".

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Copyright law is a federal law, granted in the Constitution.

If you are a citizen of Germany do you have any copyright protection for your play under the US law?

Yes the US & Germany have reciprocal copyright agreements. Additionally they are both signatories to the WIPO treaty & Berne Copyright Convention which has as a provision a promise to honor copyrights on foreign works just as if they had been created under their jurisdiction.

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Copyright law.

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Malaysia's copyright law is Act 332, the Copyright Law of 1987. More information can be found at the link below.

Is copyright illegal?

No. Copyright is federal law.

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Copyright law cannot protect ideas, only the expressionof them in writing, sound, art, etc.