The salary for Illinois legislators is currently $67,836 as they actually voted not to receive their salary increase for 2010.
As of January 2010, the annual salary of each Representative is $174,000.
the average salary for a senator is $169,300 as of 2008
The median annual income salary for a sales representative is $54,780. The lowest annual income salary is $41,119. The highest annual income salary is $71,924.
The annual salary of the Illinois Secretary of State is $156,541.
The annual salary for a manufacturer representative varies depending on where you work. It could be anywhere from 35,000$ to 150,000$ a year if you work for a good company.
The annual salary for a Pennsylvania state representative is $90,335 as of 2021. Additionally, they receive per diem payments for expenses related to their duties.
In Chicago, Illinois, the average annual salary for a statistician is $111,000. Nationwide, the overall annual salary in the United States is $92,000.
As of 2021, the annual salary for a Pennsylvania state representative, such as Scott Perry, is approximately $90,335. This amount can vary slightly depending on factors such as years of service or leadership positions held.
In the United States, the average annual salary for a computer systems analyst is $69,000. The average annual salary in Illinois for this career is $79,000.
salary and benefits combined