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Will in the state of Texas you can be counted as a adult When you 17

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Q: What is the age that you are legally an adult in US?
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What the age for female to be considered an adult in the US?

The age for a female to be considered an adult in the US is 18 years old. At this age, individuals are legally recognized as adults and gain the rights and responsibilities associated with adulthood.

What age are you legally an adult in Missippi?

Missippi you are a adult legally at 21 years.

What age are you legally an adult in NY?

In New York, you are legally considered an adult at the age of 18.

What age are you legally an adult in Texas?

In Texas, you are legally considered an adult at the age of 18.

How do you become an adult?

The laws of your particular state or country declare at what age you are legally considered an adult. In the US< the age is customarily 18 years of age, but a few states have set other ages.

What age are you legally an adult in Oregon?

When you are 18yo.

Is 12 an adult or child?

You are not legally an adult until the age of 18.

Are you legally an adult after giving birth?

Not unless you are legally an adult anyway. It's a matter of age, not parental status.

When is a child legally an adult at what age?

In most countries, a child is legally considered an adult at the age of 18. This age may vary depending on the country or state, but 18 is a common age of majority where individuals are granted adult rights and responsibilities.

If you're over the age of 18 and your parents agree to divorce you what do you do?

If you live in the US... an adult cannot legally 'divorce' their parents.

What is an age of majority?

An age of majority is the age at which the rights of an adult are legally granted or recognized.

What state at the age of 17 is legally an adult?

None of the states in the US have the age of majority at 17. You must be 18 in most, a couple it is 19 and one it is 21.