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At 18 years old.

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Q: What is the age of a child to Make up their own mind who they want to live with in the state of W.V.?
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How old does a child have to be in North Carolina to make up their on mind if there no custudy papers is it true they can be 16 and their nothing there daddy can do i want him to come and live with m?

The legal age in North Carolina is 18. Until a child is emancipated or the age 18, the are in custody of their parents and have to listen and live with them.

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It greatly depends on where you live, the state, county or city FD, etc. Do you have a state in mind? Or just wanting a national average? -26yrs with TFD & SHFD

Can your child support be reduced if you support two chidern that live with you before child support was set for your youngest child in the state of Maryland?

Yes if the other children werent taken into consideration during the time of the order. But keep in mind that the youngest child whether in your care or the other parent will receive the highest % of support from your earnings.

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Pennsylvania is more of a state of mind than an actual state. Trust me. I live in the state next to it.

What state does the angry grandpa from you tube live in?

He lives in the state of mind, anger, depression, filth. or just maybe, a state of brilliance

How old does a child have to be to tell the judge how they feel?

im not sure what state you are in but in a lot of states a child must be at leaste 12 years old and must be in the right state of mind to understand what is going.

If the fathers name is on the birth certificate does he have to pay child support if he and the mother aggree not to?

If the mother doesn't seek a child support order no one will make the father pay. However, keep in mind that the mother can always change her mind and get back child support in the future. If the child and/or mother are receiving any state assistance the father will be required to pay child support.Fathers are responsible for supporting their children. If the mother doesn't need the child support then she should put it in the bank for the child's collegeeducation.

Does fish make you live longer?

Yes,fish make u live longer. it also increase your mind power.

What age can a child in foster care make up his or her own mind to leave the foster care system?


What does this qoute mean- Obedience is the gateway through which knowledge enters the mind of a child?

It means that a noisy, disobedient child does not learn anything by doing that. If a child is obedient, knowledge will come to the child's mind because the child is at an obedient state where the child will take in any knowledge, because being obedient means you listen to everything, and listening to everything means gaining knowledge.

Can NY child arrears be stopped or lowered?

Yes, with the consent of the obligee (keep in mind that the State might be the obligee), and the court, which will first consider the child's best interests.

Can people die from antisocial personality disorder?

In their loneliness and miserable state of mind they may wish not to live.