Bexar County Courthouse is at 100 Dolorosa Street, San Antonio TX 78205.
However, court business also takes place in several other buildings in San Antonio, such as the Cadena-Reeves Justice Center (300 Dolorosa Street), the Magistrate Office at the city Municipal Court Building (401 South Frio Street), and the District Clerk's office at Paul Elizondo Tower (101 West Nueva Street).
Which building you need depends on which court or office you are looking for. They are a listed at the related link below, with contact information and links to their websites.
Bexar County Courthouse was created in 1892.
The address of the Bexar County (Texas) Courthouse is 100 Dolorosa Street, San Antonio, TX 78205. It may also be known as the Bexar County Justice Center, which is different than the Cadena-Reeves Justice Center located at 300 Dolorosa Street, San Antonio. The Bexar County Courthouse houses most of Bexar County's district courts, Bexar County Constitutional Court, several County Courts, and the county Probate Courts. There are, however, several other locations in Bexar County that hear cases, so if you are trying to figure out where to go for a particular case, it is best to check whether Bexar County Courthouse houses the court you are looking for. For a directory of all the courts in Bexar County, visit the Bexar County Court Guide related link.
The web address of the Newton County Courthouse is:
The address of the Bexar County Buffalo is: Po Box 276426, San Antonio, TX 78227-6426
The web address of the Allen County Courthouse is:
Bexar County Texas has a population of 1,714,773.
The address of the Noble County Courthouse is: Pob 128, Caldwell, OH 43724
The address of the Hidalgo Foundation Of Bexar County Inc is: 101 W Nueva Ste 1019, San Antonio, TX 78205-3482
The address of the Newton County Courthouse is: Po Box 360, Jasper, AR 72641
It is in Bexar county.
The address of the Butts County Courthouse is: Po Box 215, Jackson, GA 30233-0005
The address of the Mills County Courthouse is: Po Box 757, Goldthwaite, TX 76844-0757