

Best Answer

Answer 1: There isn't an SS symbol on hellsangelsjackets,Hells angels jackets otherwise known as "cut offs" are not uniforms or indeed uniform,If someone has seen an SS symbol on a HellsAngels cut off it is likely that particular Hells Angel admires the SS

Answer 2: what he says is wrong. the SS symbol that looks like lightening bolts means "dirt few". u get that patch when u had killed for the gang. the hells angels is a white power mc gang so they hav nazi symbols. if u don't believe me Google hellsangels dirty few.

Answer 3: The answer above isn't true. The old Filthy Few patches bore the SS bolts. The newer Filthy Few patches bear the number 666 in place of the SS Bolts. HAMC decided to internationally prohibit the use of Nazi symbolism among its brothers, because the German members, under German law, cannot wear any Nazi paraphernalia. According to urban myth: The Filthy Few patches mean that a member has killed for the club, but HAMC members have publicly stated that this is not true, and that the patch is given when a member does something for the club that is above and beyond the norm.

Nazi symbols and regalia were first used by HAMC for shock value. It's a reminder to the general public, and to the 99%, that the HAMC is not like them, and that the HAMC will never be like them. Believe it or not, some Mexican American gangs in San Diego and Los Angeles used to use swastikas in graffiti for a similar purpose during the 60's and 70's. In fact, Mongols MC, a predominantly Mexican American 1% club, and a rival to the HAMC, has many white members with tattoos that incorporate Nazi symbolism.

Nazi style tattoos have also been picked up by some white HAMC members that have done time. In prison, these tattoos have a whole different meaning than what they do in free society. Hence, they may not represent a member's political or social ideology. There has also been a revival of white pride that began strongly in the 80's. It is important to understand, that white pride is not equal to white power, or to white supremacy. White pride means that a person is proud of their European heritage. Many European Americans that express white pride are neither racist nor prejudiced. Some HAMC members that do not have racist ideologies have gotten swastikas, sig runes, and other indigenous northern European symbols tattooed on them, simply because they are proud of being white. Most Nazi symbols were appropriated from indigenous Germanic/Nordic ethnic groups. The swastika, runes (sig, algiz, odal, etc...), sun cross, and totenkopf were all used in non-racist contexts generations before Hitler and Nazis came about.

HAMC is not a racist or white power organization. The popular media and law enforcement have labeled them as such, because of the Nazi symbolism that was being used, and the fact that most of the charters are predominantly white. Many charters in the US, Canada, South America and Europe have always been multiethnic. In the United States, you can find Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, and Native Americans in some of the charters. Non-white members have even served as charter presidents and vice presidents. Some members may be prejudiced or racist, but they will always put their brothers and the club first, before any other politics. A HAMC member is for HAMC first and foremost.

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Q: What is the SS symbol on the hells angels jackets mean?
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