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The RICO Act, short for Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, was enacted by the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970. Its main purpose is to give extended penalties in the prosecution of organized criminal acts, and was targeted at the mob although it has since then been used in cases including police departments and gang activity.

To be found guilty of racketeering under the RICO act, a person must have committed two of 35 crimes-27 federal crimes and 8 state crimes-within a 10-year period. Prosecution under the RICO act also allows for a civil suit component, with damage penalties tripled if found guilty. If found guilty, the defendant must also forfeit all gains made from the illicit activities.

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The Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act provides the federal government with more authority in combating organized groups that consistently violate the law.

The passage of this statute allowed the government to closely watch the trafficking of money across state lines and gave federal government authority to prosecute (some) state crimes: like murder, kidnapping, and monetary crimes.

This statute was aimed at the La Cosa Nostra mafia, or the Italian Mafia; however, has since been used in the War on Terror to combat terrorist organizations.

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The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act is used to prosecute all types of criminal activity, but mainly the Mafia. Agents have to prove ongoing criminal activity vs. one crime.

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