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Theft of US mail is investigated by the US Postal Inspection Service and is a Federal offense for which the maximum penalty can be incarceration in a Federal Penitientiary.

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15y ago
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10y ago

Mail tampering is a crime and is punishable by incarceration, fines, or a term of probation. Mail fraud however is federal crime.

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10y ago

If you accidentally open someone else's mail it is not a crime. It becomes a crime when the mail is taken directly from the Post Office and opened thus preventing it from being delivered.

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15y ago

what is the penalty for a spouse in the state of Texas for opening mail delivered by the united postal service during a devorice?

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13y ago

Stealing other peoples mail is a Federal Crime(a Felony)The Penalty for stealing mail is up to 5 years in jail and a $250,000 fine.

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15y ago

In addition whatever local charge of LARCENY you may be charged with, it is also a Federal offense under the US Postal Regulations.

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12y ago

Punishable by beheading in 43 states.

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Q: What is the Punishment for stealing someone's mail?
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